The Nurturing Mother - Marissa by Talita Springer | Dayton Ohio Photographer

May 20, 2017  •  Leave a Comment


The Nurturing Mother - Marissa Smith





This is Marissa and her baby, another mother who did not had the easy motherhood start we all thought we would. So many will be able to relate to her story and her situation but all of us are like her. We all want what is best for our babies!






"This project is vital. I went through six weeks of intense hardship trying to nurse my son. Breastfeeding was hard from the beginning- latch issues, oversupply, etc. He was allergic to many of the foods that I ate and battled with horrific acid reflux. I went to multiple lactation consultants, I read until my eyes dropped each night, I got tongue and lip ties released, I cut out almost all foods from my diet.... still... I had a sick, hurting baby which in turn made me a hungry, exhausted, emotional mother who was in a lot of pain from breastfeeding..."





"...Nursing my son was what I felt was the only and best option out there. As a last resort, we made the decision to switch to a hypoallergenic formula and my son was a different baby overnight..."





"...I still deal with some regret, but I know that I made the best decision for my son. I was breastfeeding because of society's pressure, not because it was right for my family..."




"...I am a happy mama, and he is a happy baby..."




"...My bond with him is still immense, and I know that I am providing my son with not only the very best nutrition, but with a mom who is content, calm, and happy."






Motherhood is hardly ever what we expect and planned. Life brings us many trials, challenges, sadness, happiness, love, heartbreaking. A mother should not feel guilty for having to choose bottle feeding over breastfeeding. While breast is best for some babies, formula is too. Specially if the breast is not the best for that particular child.   We need to come together as mothers and support each other's decision on how to raise our children.  We should not worry about what others thinks because in the end that matters not.  





There should be no judging, discrimination because one made a different choice than the other. Because one choice seems more "natural" than the other. No matter what your choice is, how you do things or with what. Look at this mother and her baby. How can one say you can't share a strong bond and love when bottle feeding!?  When there is love and best intention, you are the nurturing mother your child needs. You are being your best!






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